Monthly Archives: November 2010

Just when I thought I was only talking to myself!!

Ok. Ok.  I’m trying to stay calm here.  Breathe, Heather.  Breathe.  Dammit I wish I knew that lamaze breathing shit……

What am I all breathless over, you ask?  I HAVE FOLLOWERS!!!!!  That’s right kids, followers!  People that not only read my blog, but put their name on here TELLING me that they follow it!  Me!  Little ol’ me!  I started this blog because I couldn’t stand what The Devil  Facebook was doing to my days/life but still wanted to have a way to share things with my family & friends.  (I mean, really…..who hand writes letters anymore?)  I didn’t know what I was doing when I started this thing, but I have to say that I really, really enjoy it!  I may not have anything profound to talk about and maybe my writings are just about silly crap that amuses me, but at least it’s more than a one line “status update” about what I’m cooking for dinner.  I like having to put some thought and effort into creating a new post.  It’s fun!  I encourage anyone to try it.  And it’s not only fun coming up with and composing my own posts, but, finding other bloggers that I like and reading their stuff.  It’s like a treasure hunt! 

So, thank you to the people that actually read this.  Double thank you to anyone who actually leaves a comment; (how come no one does this here?)…..and a huge sloppy TRIPLE thank you to the 2 followers that I have.  You made my day.  Seriously……made me smile big.

As a sort of post script, I would like to say that I don’t think FB is silly or stupid and I certainly don’t think either if those things about people that use it.  I will probably go back on the FB one day because it is a good way to feel like you are still a daily part of the lives of people you care about.  I think that I just needed a “reset” for the way it was/was not working for me.

Ok, now I’m just going to sit here, watch my Family Guy and enjoy the happiness that comes with knowing someone reads my shit.


Have Yourself A Very Axl Christmas

In 1991 Axl Rose, of the band Guns N Roses, was charged with inciting a riot after he walked off stage during a concert in St. Louis.  Poor decision?  Yes.  Premeditated.  I doubt it.  How then, are big retail stores on “Black Friday” any different?  I’ll tell you how.  Advertising a 50 inch plasma television for $800 will certainly get the adreniline pumping just as much as the guitar shredding Rocket Queen musical stylings of GnR, right?  The difference is that I’m sure even good ol’ Axl didn’t start out the show with the intention of having people go ape shit and start tearing the place apart, beating the ever lovin’ crap out of each other.  Ads like this one incite the same riotous behavior.  The difference?  This shit is planned in advance…..

! Caution: Ad causes douche-like behavior in humans!

What are people thinking when they head out to shop on Black Friday?  We all see it happen year after year.  Yet everyone still seems so shocked when things go horribly wrong.  Remember the Tickle Me Elmo fiasco of 1996?

“A Walmart clerk in Fredericton was taken to hospital with broken ribs and a concussion after a crowd of overzealous parents stampeded down an aisle to snatch up a fresh shipment of Tickle Me Elmo plush toys just 11 days before Christmas.” –

The human race saddens me sometimes.  Watching these news reports makes me feel ashamed to be a part of the same race as the people who participate in the carnage that, every year, is Black Friday.  Hedonists.  What a proud moment  it must be for them to stand there, victorious in their mission to claim their imported trinkets, with a man’s blood on their shoes.  Yes, a man was killed in a consumer stampede at a Long Island Walmart.  Killed.  What does this say about us as a country?  As humans?  Shame, shame, shame.



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[heed-n-ist] Show IPA



a person whose life is devoted to the pursuit of pleasure and self-gratification.

This is why, for the most part, I choose not to participate in the holiday madness.  And that’s what it is to me, madness.  The pressure to make sure you get everyone that perfect gift…..the stress we endure in our travels during the “season”…..pressing our finances to the absolute limit to make it all happen.  F that.  Not for this kid.  I don’t need to put myself through all of that in order to let my family and friends know that I love them.  And I certainly do hope that they know it; all year long.


Bad Blogger on a Snow Day

It snowed.  It snowed about 3 inches and the city of Seattle is just about paralyzed.  I chuckle a bit over this because I’m a Colorado native.  My husband is a Minnesota native.  However, those places are always prepared for snowy, icy roads and such.  Seattle, apparently, is not.  I get it.  If you only get “this much” snow every few years, it makes no sense for the city to spend money on such things as de-icers and snow plows.  So, I had a snow day and stayed home.  No buses were running and as Bruce’s co-worker said, “I only put on chains to get to my home, not to get out of it.”  I like the way he thinks.  I’ve been cozied up to my fireplace most of the day and feel like I should have taken the time to update this blog more.  But I didn’t.  Whatever.  I’m still a bit grumpy over this whole tooth situation and I’m pretty sure no one reads this anyway.  Gobble Gobble.

I don’t feel like thinking of a title for this post

I’m grumpy because I broke a tooth.  I have to go to the dentist.  I hate dentist.  Boo. I can’t eat anything but soup so I’m hungry.  I can’t see the dentist until Monday which means I’m going to be a pissy little bitch for the next 5 days.  A hungry, pissy, anxiety filled little bitch with low blood sugar. Both of my jaw joints are artificial so it makes a trip to the dentist not just uncomfortable, but downright painful and difficult.  Yes, I’ve been known to have big fat tears pouring down my cheeks during a routine cleaning.  And the visit always takes 3 times as long because I have to make them stop every 5 minutes so I can rest my jaw.  It’s also next to impossible to get a decent x-ray when both sides of your head are filled with metal.  The one time I saw a dentist that was more than happy to give me the happy gas ended up being a big fat fail too because apparently I don’t breathe while I’m in that chair. Happy Gas + no air intake = ineffective.  Boo again.

So I just found out about this…

Yeah, they shoot fireworks off of the flippin’ Space Needle for New Year’s!!!  Whaaaaaaat???  Screw Thanksgiving and Christmas……I’m counting the days until NYE now.